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Knee Replacement

Orthopedics is a branch of medicine which deals with the musculoskeletal system of our body. This musculoskeletal system forms the core structure of the human body. This system is a compilation of joints, bones, ligaments, muscles, tendons, nerves, and skin. Orthopedics aids in consulting and treating issues related to the musculoskeletal system. There are many orthopedic hospitals in Chennai serving patients with any skeletal deformities and Rathimed specialty hospitals are outshining all other hospitals in town with their prolific treatment facilitations.

During earlier days, orthopedics was aided only in treating bone deformities in children like spine curvature and foot curvature. Currently, orthopedics has evolved into a wider branch of treating various bone-related health conditions. Some of the predominantly consulted issues are listed below.

  • CRITICAL INJURIES – Bone fractures, air fractures, or any bone dislocations caused due to external force, accidents, or sports activities. This condition is common and can be healed with consistent follow-up. In these cases, the dislocated or fractured area is cast first to hold the bones in place. All the regular activities should be reduced to achieve faster results.
  • ARTHRITIS – There are 100 and more varied kinds of arthritis. The symptoms of arthritis are pain in joints, swelling, redness in the region, and joint dysfunctions. The treatment for this is medications and physiotherapy. In case of severe cases, surgery is recommended to increase the joint functions.
  • OSTEOMALACIA – This condition is seen in adults and caused mainly due to Vitamin D deficiency in their makes the bone tissues soft and weak causing pain, curved legs, and fractures. This condition is treated by prescribing calcium and Vitamin D enriched medications to increase bone density and strength.
  • OSTEOMYLETIS – This condition is caused due to infection in the bone. The symptoms seen are pain, swelling, redness, warmth in the infected area, and fatigue. Orthopaedists will trace the condition with a series of tests. Considering the severity of the infection, they perform surgery and remove the infected or dead part of the bone.

There are also many other health conditions like osteoporosis, pinched nerve, tendonitis, tenosynovitis, and so on. Rathimed has the best orthopedic specialist in Chennai addressing to varied conditions of patients with treatments suitable to them. Some of the services offered are listed below.

  •  Joint replacement surgery
  •  Spine surgery
  •  Kinematic knee surgery
  •  Paediatric orthopedics
  •  Sports injury management

Rathimed speciality Hospitals with the best orthopedic doctors assist patients to get back to their normal functions. Our doctors follow a very organic approach to treat your symptoms and deformities. Stop struggling with your pain and consult our exemplary orthopaedist and get your ailments treated.